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Top 7 questions and answers on how to deal with the problem of Japanese knotweed

Top 7 questions and answers on how to deal with the problem of Japanese knotweed

Large japanese knotweed growth

You’ve discovered knotweed on your property and want to know what to do next. 

The first step for most people would be to google it. There’s a wealth of good information on the internet about this invasive non-native weed, but also some myths and blatant lies. Don’t be put off by any scaremongering. Yes, knotweed is a problem because mortgage companies will usually refuse to lend unless a management plan with an insurance-backed guarantee is in place.  If left to grow uncontrolled, knotweed can cause damage to buildings, hard landscaping, and your treasured garden. However, there are reputable companies who can ensure that your knotweed problem is sorted efficiently and effectively, meaning your house sale or extension plans can continue hassle-free, and you can enjoy your garden without worry.

Here are answers to the top 7 questions we get about Japanese knotweed.

1. I’m not 100% sure it’s Japanese knotweed, how can it be identified?

Japanese knotweed has some distinctive features – visit our Japanese knotweed identification page which will give you more information on what the plant looks like through the seasons. We also offer a free identification service. Simply take a picture of the suspect plant and send it to [email protected] and one of our experts will be back in touch to let you know if it is knotweed. If it is, they will discuss the next steps with you.

2. Do I need a Japanese knotweed site survey?

While you may be able to describe your garden and the knotweed in detail, a trained consultant needs to visit the property to assess the situation accurately.  They will be able to determine how bad the knotweed infestation is, its probable origin, and the extent of the affected soil.

It is also crucial for an expert to consider all site-specific constraints (access, party-wall safety etc) as well as the ongoing or future use of the area as they will impact the recommended treatment options. The knotweed consultant should also highlight any liabilities associated with the property such as the risk of knotweed spreading to neighbours. A Japanese knotweed management plan (JKMP) summarising all these elements will then be produced. The preparation of the Management Plan and its implementation are key to unlocking mortgage finance.

3. What do I need to do if I think there is Japanese knotweed on the property I am selling/buying? 

All sellers of residential property must disclose if their home is affected by knotweed when completing the standard TA6 Property Information Form. Sellers who answer “No” must be certain there is no knotweed present, including rhizomes underground or on adjacent property within 3 metres of the boundary. Providing false information can lead to lengthy and costly misrepresentation claims. Answering “Not known” shifts the risk to the buyer, who will then have to investigate further.

We have therefore created JustCheck™ which is a bespoke survey used either by sellers who want more certainty before completing the TA6 form, or buyers looking to investigate a ‘not known’ answer.

Find more information about JustCheck™ here.

4. Can Japanese knotweed damage my property?

Watch our knotweed damage video , which highlights a few examples we have seen of property damage. Whilst occasionally over-stated in the press, it’s important to realise that Japanese knotweed does have the ability to damage property by growing through cracks in concrete, mortar joints in walls, into drains, through driveways, patios, and lawns. If you ignore knotweed on your property, you not only risk damage and potential disputes with your neighbours, but you may also face the possibility that the problem will worsen, making the solution more complex, and potentially more costly.

5. Do I have a legal obligation to get rid of Japanese knotweed? 

It’s not illegal to have Japanese knotweed on your land, but it’s illegal to introduce it or to allow it to spread in the wild under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. Where it encroaches onto adjacent property, it frequently results in neighbour disputes, sometimes resulting in unpleasant private nuisance claims, which are not only expensive to defend but also lead to breakdowns in neighbour relationships. Find out more about Japanese knotweed and the law here.

Once identified, it is usually best to react as soon as possible, to ensure the knotweed spread is controlled.

It is important to know that any material containing viable Japanese knotweed root or stem is legally deemed ‘Controlled Waste’ or ‘Directive Waste’, meaning it’s an offense to dispose of it without a license.

6. Is the Japanese knotweed work guaranteed? 

Most finance providers require an insurance-backed guarantee (IBG) to be in place before they will issue lending for a mortgage. Check with your bank to see what they require.  Do read the small print, as some knotweed companies claim their professional indemnity (PI) insurance or public liability (PL) insurance to be their insurance-backed guarantees. Clearly, if the knotweed company went out of business a claim on their PI or PL insurance would not be possible.

7. Will Japanese knotweed come back? 

There is always a possibility of some regrowth, especially following herbicide treatment as it is considered only a control method. The effectiveness of herbicide treatment depends on the plant’s uptake of the chemical, which is dependent upon many factors. If regrowth occurs on a property benefitting from an Environet IBG, this will be treated at no further cost under the guarantee. All of our removal and treatment programmes benefit from monitoring visits and are offered with a guarantee for the ultimate peace of mind.

With over 28 years of experience, our team of experts will be able to answer any questions you may have. Call us today on 01932 362484 or email us at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help.

Robert Spaceman

“We had a large stand of bamboo removed, thinned, contained and replaced. The customer service has been first class. Joe and Jason were fabulous and kept me well informed at all times”.
