Commercial Japanese knotweed removal on development sites
We help businesses like yours develop on land affected by Japanese knotweed. We provide proven eco-innovative commercial solutions at competitive prices
Commercial removal methods
- Not suited where the ground is to be disturbed
- Two year treatment programme with annual monitoring visits
- 5 or 10 Year Guarantees
- Least disruptive option
- Eco-friendly alternative to Dig & Dump for development sites
- Rhizome separation avoiding the need to consign soils to landfill
- 5 or 10 Year Guarantees
- Removal completed in days
- Patented and proven
Stockpile & Treat
- Excavation, stockpiling and herbicide treatment
- Stockpiling usually requires a large designated area
- 5 or 10 Year Guarantees
- A low cost option
Dig & Dump
- Bulk soil excavation and disposal off site to landfill
- Considered the method of last resort by the Environment Agency
- 5 or 10 Year Guarantees
- Very expensive
It’s important to select the right method from a reliable specialist to have the best chance of success, ensuring the Japanese knotweed is dealt with effectively. Getting it right the first time saves abortive work, delays to construction and cost.
Reviews from our clients
“Excellent service from Environet, they covered every aspect of the works with diligence and professionalism and went the extra mile when needed.”
Design Coordinator - Kier Living South West
“Excellent technical advice and reliable service throughout the project. All calls were returned promptly to answer my queries and the process was fully explained to me .”
DandM Maintenance & Services Ltd - North Wales
“Environet’s Japanese knotweed eradication has proved to be highly effective on our development sites. Thank you for your excellent service, fast response and professional consultancy support.”
Commercial Director - Berkeley Group PLC
Identification of Japanese knotweed
Accurate identification is key. You’ll find a useful selection of videos and photos here to help you identify knotweed through the various seasons – send a photo to our FREE identification service and we’ll confirm if it’s knotweed.
The devil is in the detail. It’s imperative to know what type of knotweed it is, the maturity, extent and condition of the underground rhizome and root system – and the ground conditions in which it is growing. That is why a site survey is often required. Knowledge is key; armed with this information a suitable Japanese knotweed Management Plan can be devised that has the highest chance of success.
Serious about removing Japanese knotweed from your site?
We’re with you, having helped hundreds of clients prepare sites for development over the last 25 years.
The discovery of Japanese knotweed on a site can cause real concern, and mismanagement of the problem can lead to:
- Delays to development/construction works, and associated increased cost.
- Spread of knotweed across the site or onto adjoining land (encroachment) resulting in risk of neighbour dispute and ultimately legal action under private nuisance.
- Criminal sanctions under the Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981, by permitting the spread of Japanese knotweed into the wild, or under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 Part 2 “duty of care” relating to controlled waste.
- Problems with land sale or purchase due to nil or low valuations for lending purposes.
- Risk of damage to existing or future buildings, hard surfaces, drains etc.
Getting an expert on board in the early stages of a project will save you time and money.
The Environet way
We provide a full range of consulting and contracting services that:
- Fully remove the knotweed problem
- Are cost-effective
- Meet construction programmes without causing delays
- Avoid the risk of spread and meet all statutory requirements
- Optimise the value of your land asset
Our experienced on-site teams are able to deliver tailored remediation strategies, including site supervision, screening, stockpiling and off-site disposal, all accompanied by our industry leading insurance-backed guarantees underwritten by an “AA-” rated insurer.
We have robust systems in place for Environmental and Health & Safety management. Risk assessments are carried out for every aspect of our business to identify situations where harm could be caused. We have an ethos of continuous improvement to eliminate or reduce the risks with detailed working procedures, on-going training and monitoring.
All our staff have health and safety and emergency first aid training. We are also accredited by SafeContractor and Constructionline and are members of the Property Care Association (PCA).
What makes our insurance-backed guarantee market leading?
Our guarantees are underwritten by CLS Property Insight Ltd on behalf of Great Lakes Insurance SE, UK Branch, part of the Munich Re group of companies. Enjoying an S&P AA- rating, you won’t find better security than that. It goes without saying that these are accepted by all the major banks and building societies in the UK.
Cover can be arranged with a limit of liability matching the contract value (starting at £5,000) up to £100,000. Larger values can be obtained subject to insurer approval. Check that the amount of cover offered is adequate.
DART™ is offered with our insurance-backed guarantee underwritten by an “AA-” rated insurer for up to 10 years. Should regrowth be experienced, further treatment is carried out at no extra cost.
Most companies will issue their IBG when the work is complete, often 2 to 3 years or more after instruction. Our IBG can be issued following our first visit/treatment, subject to receipt of full payment. This means you have certainty that you are fully covered from day 1.
We can provide guarantees for 5 or 10 years to cover the affected area plus buffer zone, or to cover the entire property. Ask us about our Platinum cover.
Unlike many of our competitors, our guarantees have no excess charge, or fee payable for making a claim.
Our IBGs are assignable to new freehold or leasehold owners. If you’re buying a property affected by knotweed, make sure the guarantee is transferred into your name before completion.
Many IBGs contains restrictions, so for example you might find your guarantee becomes invalidated if the ground is disturbed, creating a severe restriction on the amenity value of the property. At Environet, we work closely with you to select the method that allows you to use the land during the guarantee period with no onerous restrictions.
Case Studies
Dig & Dump, West Sussex
Excavation & treatment, Bridgend
Xtract™, Folkestone
Xtract™, Derby
Xtract™, Putney
Xtract™, Axminster
Xtract™, Plymouth
Xtract™, Sheffield
There are many laws surrounding knotweed, which can be confusing.
Japanese knotweed is not a notifiable weed nor is it illegal to have it growing on your property as long you don’t allow it to spread onto adjoining land. If this happens, either a civil nuisance claim can be brought against you for allowing the knotweed to encroach onto private land, or you may be committing a criminal offence under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 if you have caused Japanese knotweed to grow in the wild.
There are legal, technical and financial issues that must be addressed.
Japanese knotweed is simply one of the things in life that should not be brushed under the carpet with a botched attempt at removal, unless of course you want to incur delays and major expense at a later stage. While it may seem like a large task to remove Japanese knotweed, you are better off sorting the problem out at the beginning, before any works start. We have a number of Japanese knotweed removal methods that can be used to ensure complete removal.
Many attempts at “controlling” Japanese knotweed are counterproductive. They kill off some of the plant, leaving the majority of the rhizome system below ground in a state of temporary dormancy, ready to resurface when you least expect it. There may be no obvious evidence of the knotweed above ground, but you can be pretty sure that viable rhizome remains. This is what we see in a lot of DIY attempts. The plant looks dead, but it is in fact dormant.
Imagine a development site where viable knotweed rhizome remains hidden in the ground, possibly to a depth of 2m or more, having laterally spread into areas you might think are unaffected. Once you disturb these soils whether by ignorance, accident or intentionally, you would almost certainly fragment and spread the knotweed rhizomes to other areas of your site. This would significantly increase the scale of the problem, and hence the cost of remediation.
All too frequently we are called in to help with removing Japanese knotweed, because other less experienced operators have failed to completely kill off the knotweed.
Make sure you understand the law before tackling Japanese knotweed. If you caused the knotweed to be spread off-site, you could find yourself at the wrong end of criminal proceedings under either the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, or the Environmental Protection Act 1990 “duty of care”. Offences under these Acts can result in custodial sentences. If you consign knotweed infested soils off site other than strictly in accordance with these legislative requirements, whether intentionally or not, you will run the risk of prosecution.
Botched attempts at treatment or removal make it considerably more difficult for professionals to completely remove the knotweed for you. Trying to find and remove every piece of viable rhizome is akin, albeit with a difference, to finding and removing all fragments of asbestos that may or may not be in the ground. The big difference being that asbestos does not grow, so usually stays buried out of sight, whereas viable Japanese knotweed rhizomes are living and will grow to the surface, pretty much irrespective of what is put in its way. Imagine it growing through your asphalt driveways/roads just as you are nearing completion of the build – it would have pretty dire consequences on the saleability of the property and in many cases financing.
Where knotweed exists, either within the curtilage of a property or on adjoining land, virtually all UK banks and building societies will refuse lending until it is removed and insurance-backed guarantees (IBGs) “from a reputable company” are in place. We know because we receive lots of calls from distressed vendors of properties who have usually just lost a buyer due to funding being refused. Please don’t think that funding will never be granted – once an insurance-backed guarantee is in place, the lending should be granted.
Not surprisingly, the financial consequences can be pretty steep. It is not just the cost of remediation you should consider. Many main contractors/developers will be reluctant to take on the risk associated with a site infested with Japanese knotweed. Those prepared to take the risk inevitably price the risk, which of course gets reflected in the purchase/tender price.
If the risk remains with the client and knotweed is subsequently found, then additional costs during the construction stage are almost inevitable to cover professional fees, considerable management time, additional site precautions and delays to the contract, plus of course the cost of remediation. The cost of remediation in these circumstances escalates due to the urgency, as the more cost-effective alternatives to dig & dump may not be available.
Removing the problem prior to letting the main contract is the best solution all round.
It’s possible that your company will be eligible for Land Remediation Tax Relief.
Land Remediation Tax Relief, known as LRTR, was introduced under the Finance Act 2001 for all companies involved in the remediation of contaminated land, whether for commercial or residential purposes. For corporate bodies LRTR is available at 50% for developers (ie those trading in property), whilst property investors or owner occupiers can benefit from 150% relief against their qualifying expenditure. If you are not a corporate body the tax relief is not available.
The legislation currently permits any expenditure that prevents, minimises, remedies or mitigates the risk of any harm being done to people, property or the wider environment. The harm, or potential to cause harm, must be as a result of a substance or substances in, on or under the land to be applicable. “Substances” include for example heavy metals, hydrocarbon contamination and, arguably Japanese knotweed.
Environet works with specialist Tax Consultants to claim the tax that is rightfully yours.
Landfill Tax is now charged generally at the standard (higher) Landfill Tax rate for disposal of contaminated soils following the removal of the exemption in 2008, significantly increasing the cost of the Dig & Dump solution.
Environet have various Japanese knotweed removal methods, such as Xtract™. This provides on-site remediation of land infested with Japanese knotweed that not only avoids the punitive costs of Landfill Tax but is also eligible for relief under LRTR.
Contact us today on 01932 868 700 for further information.
We provide consultancy services on Japanese knotweed. If you are a Property Professional Needing any Advice on Japanese Knotweed we are the People to Help You. For more information, just click the button below.
Soil Screening
Though we mainly deal with Japanese knotweed removal, we can separate larger items such as concrete, rubble, metal plastic, etc. by sifting, riddling and sieving the soil.
Our speciality is extracting small pieces of Japanese knotweed rhizome out of soil.
We’re also able to separate larger items such as concrete, blockwork, bricks, rubble, metal plastic, etc. by sifting, riddling and sieving the topsoil and subsoil.
The process creates a fine topsoil stockpile for re-use on site, avoiding the need to pay for both off site disposal and import of clean topsoil material. Also created will be a separate stockpile of larger pieces e.g. concrete, brick, etc. which may be re-usable for engineering purposes, or may need further processing or crushing.
Our extensive experience of soil screening to remove Japanese knotweed can be applied to removing other difficult items, using techniques that rely upon differences in size, shape, density and material type.
Speak to us if you have an application that you think might save you £000s in landfill costs.
Vegetation Clearance
We have the capability to remove all unwanted vegetation, clearing your garden or site, ready for development.
We’re known as Japanese knotweed removal specialists, but what you might not know is that we also have the capability to remove all other unwanted vegetation, preparing your site for development.
Vegetation clearance from small scale residential properties, to large commercial development sites.
Services we offer include:
- Brush-cutting
- Shredding & chipping
- Tree removal
- Excavator ground rake for root removal
- Herbicide treatment
- Off-site disposal
- Ecological clerk of works
- Big or little machines, depending on site size
Contact us
Our team of experts is available between 9am and 5:30pm, Monday to Friday to answer your enquiries and advise you on the next steps
Want a survey?
If you already know you have an invasive plant problem, you can request a survey online in less than two minutes by providing a few brief details. A member of the team will swiftly come back to you with further information and our availability.
Need quick plant identification?
Simply upload a few images of your problem plant to our identification form and one of our invasive plant experts will take a look and let you know, free of charge what you are dealing with. We’ll also be there to help with next steps where necessary.